22.396.099.907net assets value:
About Us
General Information
Europa Investment Fund Management Plc. was established in 2001 as an incorporated company, licensed by the National Bank of Hungary. It is a financial service company specialised in management of real estate funds. The Pioneer Investment Fund Management Plc. purchased the Europa Fund Management Plc. in 2004 and sold to UniCredit Turn-Around Management CEE GmbH (UCTAM CEE) in 2011. UCTAM CEE was founded in order to acquire, manage, administer and sell equity interests, properties and other business assets, especially concerning real estate projects. It is a specialised competence center in the CEE region within UniCredit, was specifically set up for the purpose of professionally coordinating companies with real estate investment profiles.
Seat of Europa Fund Management Plc.
H-1023 Budapest, Bécsi road 3-5. 1st floor
Date of foundation
12 March 1992
Capital of Europa Fund Management Plc.
Capital at establishment: 20 000 000 Ft
Present capital: 100 000 000 Ft
Owner of Europa Fund Management Plc.
UniCredit Turn-Around Management CEE GmbH. (100%)
Seat: Rothschildplatz 1.
A-1020 Vienna, Austria
Co. reg.No.: FN 85351 t